Payment of School Fees

  1. The School fee is subject to change from time to time. The fees is to be paid quarterly in advance. The fees will be payable according to the instruction given in the Bill Book of the school in the following manner.

  2. April , May, June-01 April to 30 April, July, August, September-01 July to 20 July, October, November, December-01 October to 20 October. January, February, March-01 January to 20 January.

  3. Fee to be deposited, Monday to Friday from 10.30 am to 2.00 pm, and Saturday from 10.30 am to 12.00 noon.

  4. Fees must be deposited strictly according to the dates mentioned. Fee will be accepted in CASH only

  5. Fees will not be accepted after due dates.

  • Fees for the whole academic year can also be deposited in advance
  1. A fine of Rs . 500/- per quarter will be charged in case of default.

  2. If the bill book is lost, a duplicate will be issued from the office of D.P.P.S. on payment of Rs. 150/-.

  3. No reduction or remission of fees may be claimed on account of holidays or absence through illness or for any other reason.

  4. A month’s notice or a month’s fee in lieu thereof is required before the withdrawal of a student.

  5. Parents must send Teacher’s copy of the receipt to the Class Teacher as soon as they deposit the fees in the Bank.

  6. Parents/Guardians are requested to keep the fees deposit book for their record and reference if any, when required by the school.