Fee Instructions

  1. Fees shall be deposited at Canara Bank, Katra Branch, Prayagraj.
  2. Please fill up fee deposit from intact as per structure and send it to the bank at the time of deposit.
  3. Fees should be deposited quarterly in the following order:
  • 1st to 20th April – For April, May & June
  • 1st to 20th July – For July, August & September.
  • 1st to 20th Oct – For October, November & December.
  • 1st to 20th Jan – For January, February & March.
  1. The name for the student whose fees are outstanding till last date of the concerned month ,shall be struck off the roll and the student will not be allowed to attend school till his/her fees are deposited. Re-admission fee of Rs. 6000/- shall be charged from the defaulter along with the fee due, subject to existence of vacancy.
  2. If a fee book is lost, a duplicate book can be issued from the school counter against payment of booklet Rs. 150/- please apply for it and obtain a receipt for the same.
  3. (a) Students coming by cycle must deposit Rs. 250/- (annually) at the school counter in the beginning of the session to get a token for use of the cycle stand.

(b) Student coming by gearless bike must deposit Rs. 300/- (annually) at the school counter in the beginning  of the session to get a token for use of the scooter stand.

  1. Fees of the students of X & XII must be deposited by 31st January, before Board practical examination begins , failing which may be debarred from the Board practicals.
  2. Fees once deposited by the parents/guardian, shall not be refunded for any reason whatsoever.
  3. In case of bank closure for any reason i.e./ Strike, holiday, etc on the last date of fee deposit, the next working day of the bank shall be treated as the last date for the deposit.
  4. Fees for the whole academic year or for six months can be deposited in advance.
  5. If a child is withdrawn in mid-session, monthly dues are payable till the quarter month in which application for T.C. reaches the office.
  6. Application for T.C. at the end of the school session should be submitted , within a week of declaration for annual examination result.
  7. School fees are payable for 12 months in a year, irrespective of broken periods of absence leave on medical ground or holidays.
  8. The defaulter students will not be allowed to sit in the class or appear for tests till school dues are cleared.